YIC Mentors Stories

 Announcing Prof. Naveed Yasin who is a professor (Full) of Entrepreneurship at Canadian University Dubai joining as a Mentor at Youth International Conclave

Dr. Naveed Yasin:

We are proud to announce that @Prof. Naveed Yasin as a Mentor who is a professor (Full) of Entrepreneurship at Canadian University Dubai is joining Youth International Conclave . If you are interested to get mentorship from our qualified mentors


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Dr Naveed Yasin is a Entrepreneur

Prof. Naveed Yasin as a Mentor is a full professor of Entrepreneurship in the united Arab Emirates. A British national born and raised in the UK – highly experienced senior academic in Entrepreneurship with over 10 years of experience and demonstrated history of delivering excellence in education management industry internationally.

Award winner:

The 2015 prestigious award winner for the outstanding academic award from the teaching learning institute..

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